Sunday, November 23, 2008


Check out this blog that my soon to be sis in law started recently. It is full of Beauty adivse and tips, product reviews and detailed info on all things skin and beauty related.

Also, click on the ads there too, and make her some spending money!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Evidence we are still alive...

...Barely. I know what you are all thinking...Here they go, starting a blog, and then never actually blogging, bastards. Many times I have stalked blogs that are infrequently updated, and cursed at the bloggers, because, How could they? I know, we have turned into those people I despise. I'm so sorry. Don't hate us. Please still buy us wedding presents and send christmas cards. We like money and make up. Oh, and video games.

So, to provide some evidence of our existance, here is a little laundry list of occurances between now and then:

-One moderately successful trip to SLC to arrange fancy wedding plans. If nothing else, we will have flowers and cake (I may however be wearing PJ's and not a dress).

-One moderately successful yard sale at Sissy's house complete with Coffee Cake, broken camping chairs, and a duck that hops.

-One very broken water faucet behind my washing machine that has resulted in many hours of late night soldering lessons and a 5 foot hole in the wall. I have lost count as to how many times I have said, or heard some one in my house say "oh, We Got Water". Because how many water leaks can one small house get in four years??

-Four outdoor type festivals attended. Observed chalk artists, toddlers destroying property, native american dancing, pottery demonstrations, dogs in obstacle courses and the like.

-Participated in one hysterically motifying burst of song while dropping off my brothers off at a birthday party. I have never seen either of them run so fast as when Scuba and I were singing White Christmas at the top of our lungs with every window down in the car. Their friends actually pointed as they got out of the car.

-Attended a moderate amount of birthday parties, dinners, etc resulting in too much drama and not enough pie.

-Scuba's garden died. Well most of it. It has been a daily grieving process to get over it. The death of corn and cucumber is profound.

I intended to take photos of all our adventures, however, I did not. So this is all the documentation I have that we are alive:

Scuba at the yard sale wearing some absurb goggles. We later sold them to a man for a whopping 50 Cents. We're in the money now.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Obviously It's True Love

So I go to show Scuba some cute photos of my Nana playing baseball with my cousin Jessica's little boy (so cute), and scuba's all did you add to our blog, and i'm all, no, and he's all well I guess we will just have a blog with nothing on it.

So I'm all, ok, cuz I have nothing to say. And he's all, well I guess I'll just have to post something myself, maybe something about you having septic pneumonia (which I am convinced I have, as I am a raging hypochondriac, and surely kidney stones MUST really be septic pneumonia...). And I'm all, here, see my middle finger buddy, cuz that ain't no jokin matter.

So I think the conversation is over when I hear this from the kitchen "I haven't been doing enough for you to make fun of?". Apparently scuba thinks the blog is a venue for me to make fun of him. No. No sir it is not. That I do in person, like when scuba spents the morning singing all his responses to my questions. If I'm going to make fun, you can better beleive that I'm gonna do it is person, so the real power of my wit comes through with a bit of sting.

So, in an effort to end this loving banter, I begin to post, and scuba's all "I smell grape"....What the Hell? Random.

So, there it is scub, your damn post, cuz apparently working for 12 hours and then coming home just to watch dancing with the stars isn't enough for you, apparently I also MUST MUST blog, cuz it had just been too long. Hmmph. We have a lot of long loving years together :) I can just feel it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A tribute to my brothers....

on their 15th BIRTHDAY!! Can you believe it? In my mind, everyone stays the same age but me. For instance, my good friend Jenny has a younger sister, Michelle. When I met Jenny, Michelle was maybe in 5th grade. Therefore, in my mind, even though I know that both Jenny and I are older, michelle is still in 5th grade in my mind. It astounds me everytime I realize that Michelle is no longer in grade school, but married with kids of her own. Yikes.

So, in honor of my brothers and their rapidly changing voices, here are some classic photos for all of you to enjoy. After all, it is my duty as a sister to embarass the hell out of my brothers as often as possible :)


Stephen at Disneyland.

Ahh, the joy of orthodontics. More classics to come, including naked baby bath photos!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...

I'm not sure what's going on with Scuba, but he has been quite domestic lately. In the course of one week, he built, yes BUILT, a composter, and planted a garden in my backyard. We have been wanting to purchase a composter for some time now, but they are kind of expensive, or not that great. So Scuba got out the hammer, and built one. As we speak it is full of rotten food. Yum.

Scuba has also planted some veggies, and is more excited abuot the growth of a leaf of lettuce than anything else right now. It's sad really that watching seedlings grow is our chosen form of entertainment at the time. Needless to say, things are growing, and hopefully in 70-90 days we will be rolling in veggies...or digging up dead plants because it is too hot here to grow even dirt...

This is corn. I'm not sure my neighbors will appreciate the 9 foot corn stalks if these little plants survive.

These are little cucumber seedlings currently living in a plastic box on my kitchen table.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


WE, well I, decided to finally jump on the band wagon and create a blog. Like SUE,, who I blog stalk daily, I am sure no one will want to read our blog, but here it is none the less. Please be patient with me, as I am not computer savvy at all, and can hardly type email and word processing documents for work.

We hope this will be a way to keep connected with friends and family who are far from us...send comments...make my day and stroke my ego, please.