Monday, September 29, 2008

Obviously It's True Love

So I go to show Scuba some cute photos of my Nana playing baseball with my cousin Jessica's little boy (so cute), and scuba's all did you add to our blog, and i'm all, no, and he's all well I guess we will just have a blog with nothing on it.

So I'm all, ok, cuz I have nothing to say. And he's all, well I guess I'll just have to post something myself, maybe something about you having septic pneumonia (which I am convinced I have, as I am a raging hypochondriac, and surely kidney stones MUST really be septic pneumonia...). And I'm all, here, see my middle finger buddy, cuz that ain't no jokin matter.

So I think the conversation is over when I hear this from the kitchen "I haven't been doing enough for you to make fun of?". Apparently scuba thinks the blog is a venue for me to make fun of him. No. No sir it is not. That I do in person, like when scuba spents the morning singing all his responses to my questions. If I'm going to make fun, you can better beleive that I'm gonna do it is person, so the real power of my wit comes through with a bit of sting.

So, in an effort to end this loving banter, I begin to post, and scuba's all "I smell grape"....What the Hell? Random.

So, there it is scub, your damn post, cuz apparently working for 12 hours and then coming home just to watch dancing with the stars isn't enough for you, apparently I also MUST MUST blog, cuz it had just been too long. Hmmph. We have a lot of long loving years together :) I can just feel it.

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